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임플란트는 치아 대체 기술의 표준이 되었습니다. 임플란트는 개별 인공 치아의 기능을 하며 빠진 치아의 갯수에 상관없이 치료가 가능합니다. 저희 치과는 3D 엑스레이 및 구강 스캐너를 이용해서 가장 안전하고 정확하게 임플란트 치료를 제공해 드립니다. 


What are the 3 parts of an implant?

A dental implant consists of three different components. The titanium implant itself is surgically placed into the jaw to fuse with the bone and replace the tooth roots removed during extraction of your real tooth. An abutment is attached to the implant, and a zirconium or porcelain crown is attached to the implant. This creates the appearance of a real, natural tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants?


  • Support the health and structure of your jawbone

  • Chew and talk without discomfort or trouble

  • Smile with the confidence that comes from having permanent teeth

  • Enjoy a long-lasting and durable tooth replacement solution

  • Use flexible and creative implant options to address your unique tooth loss situation

Treatment for all types of tooth loss:

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Single Tooth Replacement

A single dental implant can be used to replace a solitary lost tooth. Thanks to advanced implant technology, your implant will look so natural that it will blend seamlessly with your real teeth. The sooner you replace a missing tooth, the better the better the outcome.


Multiple Teeth Replacements

In cases where multiple teeth are missing, patients may be advised to get a Fixed Implant Bridge. Fixed Implant Bridges will maintain function, preserve the jaw bone and restore beauty.

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Full Mouth Replacement (Implant Supported Denture)

When you need entire mouth to be replaced, Implant supported denture would be the best option. Or your existing denture become loose, implant over denture will be a great permanent solution. Implant supported dentures require less denture base than traditional dentures. Plus, your taste and speech will be improved and you will also have more natural bite.

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